Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Vendetta of Shadows by R.R.Ryder

This will be a short story I'll be serializing here every month...
It not a finished product but something I thought people might like to read. 

Vendetta of shadows


Talco Vengini walked the crowded streets of Caerhune, with a swift determination.  Two hours past sun down the florescent light of the witch fire burned slowly engulfing the man and the bombastic street full of red draped citizens.

The revelers danced to the sounds of singer drummers, carefree and fey like, masks hiding their faces in a macarbe dance.  Talco let out a breath through his crimson mask shuffling along his eyes scanned the throng.  The street toughs would be along the avenue.  The crew were notorious during the times of Caehune's festivle.  

Caerhune had it own holidays as did most cities in the Varrhan Reach, and this particular holiday marked, the day of the great cathedral of five points and the bloody marring of that inauguration.  

Two well known crews had decided to shed life upon the sanctified alter steps. 

Talco knew the stories, most of the common folk who werent wealthy or members of the Shipwright oligarchy knew the tales.  The Dead Jacklopes, and the upright men had decided to rumble.

Blood and bones littered the street afterward and the gore was so crimson, it took days to wash off.  

To this day the rose hue leading to the five points catherdral stair remained stained.

Talco turned swiftly up switchblade avenue, then cut right towards lirender square.  He hated to rush but he knew his friend Clavese Vodam was impatient man. 

 The Capo was part of the luchaveese family, and even though his own house Velgrave had bad tidings with the  luchaveese, Clavese alway proved an upright man. Talco enjoyed a certain friendship with the elf.

Talco bypassed several eateries, and marked, Vinter's celler. He knew the place well and the restaurant was known for it thick fermented Firewind wine, and thick Varrhan cheese.

At the thought his stomach growled and he believed he scented the aroma of cooked lamb in the air.

His tongue suddenly became wet, with the thought of carving up the medium rare meat with a table knife, and then downing it with a vintage Nyrexia bitter red.

He quickly descended the stairs, his long sword rattling in it scabbard. 

Talco was greated by dim lights and surprised enough one or two patrons. 

All the more shocking Vintar"s tavern was known to be crowded on these types of holidays. With Great food, and great prices the eatery usually had to turn people away. 

His boot heel clapped against fine shallacked flooring.  He headed to the bar keep, his eyes scanning the place.  He held one hand on the sword.

Talco withdrew the mask and with his left hand he smoothed some of his unruly black hair.  

From the corner of his eyes he caught Clavese huddled in shadows.

"My good man, two Varrgold." he slapped the coin on the counter. The bartender a thin willow man smirked, turned and took two clean glass forged mugs out. 

Talco hadn't seen the barkeep before,and he frequented Vinter's quite regularly.  

He eyed the man's clothing. Nothing unusual. A plain white shirt with a leather vest drapped over it, sleeved rolled up to the elbow, pulling down on the ale tap. 

Talco shook his head. He relaxed a bit.  He had to stop overthinking.  There wasnt a blade in every shadow. 

The man slid two foaming mugs of Varrgold at the captian, and with long dexterous fingers scooped up the money.

"My thanks." Talco walked away toward his friend. 

The bartender smirked "No... thank you.  The waitress will be with you in a moment, " The bar keep paused,and then called out.

"Mercy, we've got patrons."

 Talco smiled as he approached the man at the table  .  The shadow hid most of the mans body in the corner.

"Well then Clavese, im surprised.  Ho! No drink in your hand."

Clavese gave no answer.

"Really man, whats with the silence. I bring drink,and im greated with a chill.  Hopefully the brew will warm you yet."

Talco face screwed slightly.  He moved closer to Clavese putting the drinks on the table. He was about to move closer, but he felt a soft hand on his arm.

He looked and saw pale face, with bobbing red hair and verdant green eyes.

The woman's smile could kill it was so sharp, and Talco attention fell upon her.

" How can I help you ser?" She asked, showing a row of perfect white teeth.  Talco felt flush, and the heat began to rise in his trousers.  

"I was going to order some food, for my friend here and myself.

"You need not worry about him ser, he been taken care of." her grin seemed wrong, cold; instead of being warm, it felt off.

Talco turned, and his eyes fell to his friend, Clavese.  There he heard it first, the drip, of blood.  He eyes widened when he saw his friend slumped against the wall.  

Talco whipped around with all the speed he could muster.

Something snapped him backward with such force, his eyes nearly tore from his skull.

He felt the sting of a cord wrap around his neck.  it all happened so fast.  He fought for control, to stay alive.  

Powerful female hand tightened about the cord.  Talco could feel it cut into the meat of his neck. 

Damn it!, he cursed, as red hot searing pain fell against his throat.  He felt another pull, and his world went black.

The woman with the cold grim, tugged once more.  She made sure Talco was as cold as the floor she stood upon.

The bar keep, walked over and tossed the woman a white towel.  

"Easier than I thought, Mercy."  The Willow man replied.

"All the better, food and drink often kills a man in some way or form, thin man." 

Willow man, dropped an amulet upon the ground of a black panther.

"The pay was good at least, well worth the effort." Willow man stepped away.  There was a clanking and cloacked figure walked inward.

  The new patron made little noise and covered the space of the dinning room quickly.

A small whispered voice broke the stillness.

"As good as your reputations.  You, jade spiders are well worth the coin."

Both Mercy and the Willow-man bowed.  

"My thanks, but beside the thanks, the coins are much better."  Willow man bowed.

the cloaked figure tossed a brown worn bag of the jingling metal into the air, and Mercy quickness foiled Willow man's greed. 

"The coin here, doesn't feel like what we agreed one." Mercy face was grave.

"Becasue it is not.  There is one last task I have for you yet.  If you should succeed, you will get your gold, and status here in Caerhune.  If not, i know you failed, and your dead bodies are for the crows.

"What would you have of us then." Mercy asked.

"All in good time, my jade spiders for now, let us toast this night of sucess.

Soon Caerhune will know what it is to fear, and remember the sins of its past.  

For know let it slumber, unaware, not knowing the doom that approaches." The voice cackled even as the music of life played beyond the doors of Vintar tavern.