Monday, March 6, 2023

DungeonBorn-The Gemstone Dragons: Amethyst the Wyrms of Envy by Andrew Martinez


"Purple gem dragon (Envy/Amethyst): were constructs copied in the likeness of the true prismatic dragons during the times of of the Incantation Wars. Small and wiry they were used for covert assignments. They would take the form of local wildlife dispatching key figures or enter the domains of a dragon inflaming its hatred of the folk and attack and slay in mass.

These little guys aren't too dangerous one on one as there breath weapon is a light suction which draws they're prey to them. There range of attacks can very due to there ability to take on animal forms and traits.

The ones that still exsist after all this time have large frames but not as large as there fellow least they don't let on as for the fake they can alter there forms. There cores unlike the other gem dragon's is that of a wyvern.

These larger ones seem to hate there cores and will try to steal anything that can make them appear like other gem dragon's this includes but not limited to carving out the cores of others and wearing there carcass as there own body as a second skin or acting as if they are superior to other gem dragon's as they have infiltrated many kingdoms and domains. There is a report of a king of the purples. Wym the faceless,is said to be one such dragon. he can take any form and appearance of anyone he encounters. It is said he literally steals their face and traits, while Loremasters can not confirm this what we can confirm is that a elder purple can now use that suction breath weapon to steal traits from a target, be it strength, speed, agility, etc.

This elder purple who named themself Twin when confronted changed into a crystal beast with screaming faces in the gems themselves, the gems seemed less solid and almost organic and moved organically. It is with great warning we say if you think you have encountered an elder purple that you contact the 7 Houses of the Hunt, no other groups can be trusted as you never know who may be a purple.

Good luck"

Loremaster Ekard Spellrest
Y.S. 1463, Pinnicle of Heroes.


Andrew Martinez