Sunday, October 25, 2009

Eternal News Field

news feed

war of faith explodes in prayer ward

Cultist of the cult of Bathas the eternal of decay rioted on the streets. Upon being warned by the High Guard as well as air militia to lower there arms. The Bathas in fit of rage unleashed a several flesh golems upon the ward. The battle between the groups lasted over three hours until a Elbryan was called in with long rifle cabability. all the Cultist where killed in the maylay. High Guard Jerelson was slain. as well as several air guard by rot flesh desease.

Children kidnapped

For the fourth night in commoner ward a child has been taken. The high guard have been sensitive to reveal any information about the crime. Word on the street suggest that a mad man known as the piper might be involved.

young wizard fall to death

Yesterday magus laron denn aprentice of magus Jo Wil Cos undertook the testing of a new flight serum known as icarses wing. Views from below saw a burst of lout from above of flaming wing exploded from the mAns back. Witness say that the man soared towards the sun and as he neared its rays the wings suddenly snuffed out.

On lookers still speak of the man yells as he plunged 500 feet to his death

Calender of the twelve saints
The people of the eternal war believe the twelve saints that freed them from the gods have become saints and have replaced the gods and goddess in worship.

The age of birthing manifests

creating the universe into its basic shape. As Oa manifest light is born and illuminates the void.

The age of of light

As Oa travels the void given light he creates the blight these beings represent th chaos of he universe. As hey come together the universe take shape.

The age of song.

Oa creates the celestial choir. The angels and divas appear to order the universe.

The age of tuning.

Oa creates the gods as the center piece of his celestial choir. Oa the gods and the celestial court tune the universe with the celestial note.

The age of discordance

Oa expels the blighted from the choir as the being create the laws of tuning to the universe. The old ones displeased by this. Wage war against their maker. For the first time war begins between Light and darkness.

The age of song.

The heavens are filled as with life as the gods upon their mounts the dragons help create the celestial bodies. The universe is a washed with song

The age of the Shepard.

Oa upon seeing the works of the celestial choir rejoiced and from his voice came forth the note. It was one gleaming sound that traveled the universe. As the note winged it's way through heaven it coalesced into a world. It was more beautiful pearl in all the seas of heavens. The magic of OA note created blue seas that crashed over great earth. Clouds of majestic white covered the blue air. Winds carried the song twisting the nite if air and life grew forth. Bird flew the air. Fish swam the seas and the firmament gave fruit to the Shepard of the world. Oa was pleased and shaped the note of Thera to his whim. Thera captured Oa heart like no other place in the universe. He beckoned his choir to join him and all began the shaping of the Shepards.

First of all where the (AER) or human. As the not of oa played on they took shape wrapper about a crescendo of life to match the fire of the soul and heart

The Eld or (elves) came forth from the very air wisp like and mighty

The Tero (Dwarves) rose from the earth of solid as the chorus sang it song.

The Tooks (halflings)swam the rivers and seas of the waters forever travelig their roads and ways.

The chorus continued making world but Oa could here the sound and pitch was off. His children the gods had stopped their part of the song.

Oa in puzzlement asked why they had stopped their music and the children of oa came forth and cried that there song had not been the song of the shepards.

Oa in his love of his children bayed them to sing and create. As the gods sang the notes came forth twisted and horrible. Oa cried out in horror and dismay. Nay be told his children continue not. The god forsoke their father for their notes had been twisted like many if their hearts. One god bauldon the guardian. Tried to make peace and end their song but they slew him in anger

The age of fire

Oa sacrifices himself and is killed by the gods. Before he expires he binds himself with the note of Oa a continuing note of creation and curses his children the gods

The curse of Oa falls upon the gods and the Shepards will forever be at war with them

The age of the first sun.

The Shepard races begin their climb form their humble origins. The Eld are the first to glean the power of Oa note. they are the first to manipulate magics of Oa.

Dwarves begin their first excavations of the earth and find mithril the true ore.

Took begin to sail the seas and chart the lands of Thera.

Humans develop fire and community growing strong and fast. The gods look on in envy and many try to sway them to their causes.

Excerpt from The last Chains, by Marvious Oken-shield

" when we broke from the yoke of the Eternals it was to be for something better than we had. They served a
purpose like all gods do. Hope faith loyalty these were the bricks that held society together until they forgot us. Scholars philosophers and mages would argue that it was man that forgot the gods.

I disbelieve this gesture can a child ever forget there parents and can parent ever forget their children. The eternal in their strife and warring left their children unattended. While their children grew to take their place in the world and when they see their children make ways in the world with out them they tried to return. By that time it was to late. The children had grown and no longer where they children they themselves were akin to the eternal. They could harness magic create works iron into steel. The secretes of the world had been theirs to find in the absence of their divine parents. When their parents ordered them back it was to later that time was over. The children didn't need their guidance any longer and in the grand scheme of things the Eternals are no longer needed."

Marvious Oken-shield
12th day of Alasia (April) A.D. (After Divinity) 544

Divine cults
Mithras (my-thras) Eternal of rebirth and the sun
Symbol of the bull in a field a sun

Valthrone (Val-thron).Eternal of shadow and darkness
Symbol a moon half white and half red

Boarr (Bo-or). Eternal of the the wildy hunt.
Symbol if bloodied wolf head

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