Sunday, October 25, 2009

Grand Realm-Martial South

[blockquote][size=18][color=#ff9933]The Martial South [/color][/size]

“It is folly to think you are not apart of the wind, the rain nor the sound of the beating heart. Yout presence changes each. The wind must go around you, the rain must roll off you, and the heart beat must continue”
Saga of Three Kingdoms- In the mist of times and legend
Sen Goku
Krysanthium Empire:
Formally the zen confederation, was formed out of five nations, Wai (way) Zen, Tao, Shin, was not uncommon for the five nations to war amongst themselves.
This would all change with the coming of Yuien Pi Quen, and the house of Krysanthium. Originally
located to the south on the island nation of Kathay. The Krysanthium clan had been outlawed in a bitter war with a rival clan known as the Yu-Man. In the course of the clan war for domination of Kathay's imperial Clans, the Krysanthium clan was all but destroyed. Yuien Pi Quen, journeyed for many months till he reached what was the Zen confederation, and it was here he claimed his new home and began to extort a new power base.

Seeing that the zen confederation was a loose, and un organized group of warring states, Yuien felt that it was his destiny to unite them into on formidable kingdom. The first to fall againt Yuien was the strongest, which was Zen, in which Yuien crushed. It took the Krysanthuim lord another 15 years to subdue, the other four states. Wei was the last to fall, under his might. Yuien renamed the confederation Krysanthium after the beautiful flower he loved dearly as a child, and thus was born the Empire of Krysanthuim.

The Kyrsanthium Empire is boarded by Castilion and Escavalion to the north,and Alahakazahn to the west.

[b][color=#ff9933]Known Places of interest[/b][/color]
• The Emerald Pass: this legendary pass is located within the jade mountains, that boarders Krysanthium and Escavalion. This is stopping point for many traders, merchants and travelers wishing to rest before they continue there trip into the empire. The pass is marked by Yuien's stone door. These Colossal door were crafted early in the kingdoms creation to keep powrie goblins, from penetrating deep into the empire.

• The Colossal Door of Yuien- These doors are crafted out of fine mountain walls, and are cast with the portrait of Yuien upon the massive doors.

• The Serpent road-this Legendary road lead through out the Krysanthium, and is knowns to all as the merchants way. This road leads straight to the capital city of Ryu-tora, the dragon coiled city.

• Ryu –Tora- the seven walled city, is a fabulous city to behold. Scholor and bards, speak fo the legend of how Warlord Yuien after uniting the zen confederacy, lookd for the location far and wide. He and his army known as the 600 hundred petals of Krysanthium traveled the length of the the south in search for the perfect place to found his knew capital.

After many days of search his retainers found the perfect spot upon a golden plain, with a roaring river which would be known as the as Si Gen Yang. Gathering his men, Yuein went in search of the spot himself. What his retianes failed to inform him was that the river and the plain had been the resting place of the greatest dragon of the south known as Ryu-Tora . So great was the terror of Ryu-Tora, even upon seeing the creature, fear shook the hearts of the loyal retainers. The dragon was magnificent, gold in color, coiled in seven turns was its great body. A hard as large of two barns, and scales that shimmered like the southern sands. Warlord Yuien feated no man or creature. He was determined that where the dragon lay would be his new home. He would kill the creature and shape his grand city with it bones.

The dragon was more than aware of Yuien and with it marvelous powers had seen the will of the warlord clearly.
With a smile it shouted. “ ah puny man from far off Kathay. You have come looking for a home to lay your head. You wish to take my life to craft the morter of your city. You are a fool Yuien. For I will scatter your men like I will your dreams. Come face death little warlord.” The dragon lifted himself to his full height.
Yuien gasped at the creature magnificence, but undaunted warlord Yuien girded himself for battle.

The dragon battle is left to legend. In the end as if decreed by the Imortalis themselves Yuien prevailed over Ryu-Tora, and did craft his city with the hoard of the dragon and it bone.
The city walls were crafted using the ribs of the creature. Seven great walls were erected, and still stand.
It is said even in death the great dragons spirit haunts the grounds, and caused the city to shake every so often .

Places of interest-
• The seven great bridges of the golden scales. Crafted using the greate scales of Ryu-Tora, the bridges were erected with the dragon scales. Each of the bridges straddle the river-
• The great center- in the middle of the Ryu-Tora if the great square it is a massive places of trading and commerce, and often plays to at least ten thousand, merchants, warriors, and people a day. At the great center all types of goods can be found as far off as
Bregan Bol or even Baelfrost.

• The inn of the last fang- This well known in the martial south, for its acceptance of all warriors. Those looking for merchants guards, ruin explores, our warriors for a particular job often frequent this place. Shua-Yen is a warrior of many campaigns, and at only 36 summers she retired to create the inn of the last fang. Shua-Yen is a great go between for new warrior and old alike, and those in search of a sword arms for their needs.
Shua-Yen- 8th level fighter [/blockquote]

[blockquote][size=18][color=#ff9933]Wudaan[/size] [/color]
Populace - 50, 000
Government - feudal
Industry –merchants-trading, farming.

The country of Wudaan was created as refugees traveled away from the Zen Confederation and their wars against the Warlord Yuien. Many traveled east and towards the sea, led by the followers of Wutaan, a monk scholor and cleric of Etna. The followers of Wutaan had battled in the wars against Yuien, but even with the martial knowledge that had been passed on by Wutaan, their number could not hold back the tide of Warlord Yuien and his 600 warriors.

It is said that master Wi Shin Toa was the first to realize the futility of their struggle, and brought together all the monks and priest together to protect and ferry the people of the zen confederation to a new home. In truth the Wutan master had been blessed by Wutaan himself, with the knowledge begat by the Imortalis Etna. Thus it Wi Shin Toa began the trek east ward, with his 35 Disciples of Wutan.

As the the Zen Confederation fell to the power that was warlord Yuein. Yuein was not satisfied with his gains and pursued the procession of the Wutan. The Warlord plotted an ambush upon the rocks of the eastern mountains of mists. There he would finish off the remenant of Wutan. The battle took place upon the bridges of the freyed rope. It is here the 35 warriors of Wutan battled Yuien and his 600. This action allowed the people to escape into the mountains and land beyond.

The battle was epic, as the disciples of Wutan battled the enemy to the end. The last to survive was master Wi Shin Toa, and it is said that he unleashed the mightiest of the 35 secret technique of Wutan. It is said that, the earth cracked with the power of the Wutan Fist, and that spirit of Wudaan fought along the Master Wi.

“600 hundred strong they came, with spear and blade.
None could match the mountain in his stance.
None could defend the clawing hand
Master of the 35 chambered stand.
They came at him in a roar, the dragon.
The swirl of hand fire, and the power of the tiger
None could bring down the power of the fighter.
Yuien the master of nothing and all sent his hand aloft
Signaling the darkening sky with arrows across
Their fell the master of the Wudan Sky
Their fell the master of the mountain
Their upon the cliffs rose up the Wudan Grave
Here would be the house of Wudan Great.
Yuein would never live to walk its gates.”

Master Po Ti Hung “Echos, and Teachings to Wudan,”
Epoch of the winged Heron Anem 1000.

From that sacrificial battle the country of Wudaan emerged, it people honoring it former heritage took on an new and powerful country to repulse any attempt by Warlord Yuein. The people built the Temple of Wutan to teach the martial skill of the teacher. The way of the open fist would be shared by all who sought the higher teaching of Wutan and the 35 hand techniques of Wutan and master Wi.[/blockquote]

[blockquote][size=18][color=#ff9933]Kathay Jewel of the South East.[/color][/size]

Of the kingdoms of the martial south it is the oldest of the and the most well known. The Shogunate of the island has been in power even before the rise of the Phoenix empires of magic. In legend the warriors are most feared for their martial skills of combat.

The warriors where the first to master the skill with the sword and, hand developing both the deadly katana blade, and hard and soft hand skill martial arts. of all the martial souths kingdoms they are the most proud as well as xenophobic, it is well documented by merchants and ships that have come near the islands that they do not tolerate others that are not like themselves.

Those who have spoken to them and have had a chance to sample there way of life speak of a inner calm and essence within, even in such a warlike people they can find the beauty of things. The one thing the people of kathay do well is war against other ot themselves. During it many years of exsistance, the shogunate has splintered and rejoined. The most notable was when Yuien was cast out, and would eventually create their most feared foe.

The people of Kathay Call themselves the Asura, their name for the Imortalis Goddess Etna. Asura are all human, and it is rare to find other races among them. The only race they tend to tolerate are the Took folk. They tend to find them humorus, and full of life.

The Asura pride themselves on their patience, and their belief in the way of the warrior. This is the most important occupation within the shogunate, and the common folk look fondly on their status.
In the Epoch of Discovery they have had to open their culture increasingly due to the fact of the influx of world events that have rocked Chalice. Their long truce between the country of Wudaan and Krysanthium seem to chaff as their shogun leader wishs to go into war once more.

Torin Shu Tifune, is the latest Shogun, and the Tifune shogunate secertely prepares for a new war against the other two nations of the martial south. It is not known to the populace that Tifune has been replaced by a powerful Celestrial known as Verziquel, who seek to lay waste much of the martial South.

[b][color=#ff9933]Places of interest.[/color][/b]
• The forgotten Pagoda- this structure rest above a large tranquil pool. It was hewn out of the very mountain rock it lean against. Once a temple to Asure-Etna it has fallen to ruin and decay. The great sculptures, and art has been destroyed, and howls and wails come from within. The town folk that live near the temple, whisper that is has become the refuge of a oni.

• The forbidden garden- thought to be the largest hedge maze in all the grand realm. No one knows what truly lurks inside. Created by the mad Wizard known as Icarsus the mage supposed hides the upside down tower that leads deep in the Umbral Delve.

• Mount fujitora- this silent volcano is the center of the island of which kathay sprang from. In the past the volcano thundered and shook, but know lays dormant. Legend say that the great serpent Fujitora resides within, and sleeps, since no tremors or earthquakes have been felt. It is not uncommon for brave young kensai, or ronin to seek it peaks, to do battle with the Yeti that inhabit the higher snowcrested peaks of the mountain. Some never return.[/blockquote]

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