Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Chronicles of The Grand Realm: Alfor lord of the wind

Alfor lord of the wind.

Alfor is considered one of mightiest wizard of The Grand Realm,  due to his mastery of wind magics and flight. He is the creator of Alfor boots of striding and boots Alferic speed.

Few would ever guess that as a young wizard Alfor after a duel with a rival,  was shunted into the domain of air, and while traveling in this domain he found and trained within the Wonderous Winderium Sanctum,  home to the lords of air, and known as the dukes of wind.  

For many years Alfor, trained and practices both martial and arcane,  in the use of air and wind, until he himself surpassed his colleges and became a wind duke.   It was then that Alfor left the sanctum to return home, and to venture the wider world.  

After many adventures and stories Alfor finally returned home and founded his own school and continued to fashion spells and items for future wizards.

While Alfor is reported to be long dead or missing, his work remains in spells and magical items.

It was Alfor who is credited for creating the wind prone spell which push's away enemies or flattens them prone, as well as Alfor's windfall,  note that in the Pinnacle of Discovery,  the spell is  simply called Alfor's feather... It magical name, is Alfortheus fila'


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