Thursday, February 21, 2019

DungeonBorn Basic Classes: The cleric level 1-5

While other heroes battle deadly enemies and large diabolical forces, the cleric is in the front line concentrating on heal spells and deal seeking to make their name legend. By mixing casting and physical attacks the cleric can both strike up close and afar to the detriment of his or her enemies. Remember no party is complete without a powerful divine fighter at their side.

 ♦ Hero Point; 1d10+fortitude bonus
♦ Power Source: Martial
♦ Key Abilities: Power
♦ Armor Proficiency: light and medium armor, chain, All light shields,
♦ Weapon Proficiency: All Weapons
♦ Bonuses to Defense: +1 power defenses : DMP at 1st level: Max+fortitude bonus
♦ DMP per level gained: 1d10+fortitude bonus.

Clerics gains feats every three level

 BASIC ACTION WEAPON: At 1st level a Cleric can use his basic weapon as a will attack.

CURE LIGHT WOUNDS You can heal the wounds of your fellow runners by tapping into the divine powers which you serve. You touch does 1d8+wisdom ability bonus, add 1 bonus point for ever even numbered level. At 6th level, your cure light wounds become 2d8

 ATTUNEMENT – At 1st degree Cleric is attuned to the divine ley line and can perform the following spells without wasting spell slots
 ♦Read magic – read simple runes and incantation
 ♦Light – cast a light on an object
 ♦Languages – read, write, or speak all forms of common languages even if there are not initially known by the caster.
 ♦Knowledge Religion Any Knowledge Religion checks are made with accuracy
 ♦Detect magic – detect magic within 60ft (12 hexes) of the caster Heal – Up to the Cleric level, he can heal 1d3 damage

TIER AWAKENING At 1st level a cleric as a will action can use a ley line to tap into a tier of spells. At first level a Cleric can tap into the first two tiers of his choice.
At fifth level, and every four levels after. He also gains a tier at 20th level.

CLERIC STANCE A cleric at 2nd level instead of unleashing a spell when casting, can continue praying and holding a healing or damage spell for up to 3 rounds, then unless the held spell as a free action. The spells heal or damage increases increase by a die for each round held. This action has to be done within encounters.  

ENHANCED CONCENTRATION A cleric at 3rd level gains a +2 perc bonus to all spell-casting concentration checks.  

MILESTONE At 4th level improve one ability score, gain 1 feat, increase all paths by 1, and gain a new pathway choice

WAR PRIEST PATH At 4th level a cleric can swap for alternate canticles at 4th, 9th, and 18th level. Select the canticle below.

CIRCLE OF HOLY REST ♦ CANTICLE At 4th level any place a cleric rest is considered a holy ground, until the clerics has completed his rest. The area of the holy rest is a 30ft radius, and archetypes of evil, take 5 holy damage, while within the circle. Targets also continue to take 5 damage if they persist to stay within the cleric’s holy rest.

At 9th level a cleric as a encounter action can lift his hands upward and call bolts of lightning down from the heavens. In an area a cleric can target enemies up to his perception bonus.+1even level.  The targets on a successful attack take 4d8 points+8 points of divine damage.  If the attack fails, the targets take no damage.  This strike uses a clerics perception against DAC

At 18th level a cleric gains +10 fire resistance against spells, conditions, effects, and legacy’s that do fire damage.  

 INITIATE TIER AWAKENING – At 5th level a cleric as a will action can use the ley line to tap into a tier of spells. At fifth level, and every four levels after. He also gains a tier at twentieth level.

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