Wednesday, March 6, 2019

DungeonBorn Fighter levels 1-5

“Lords of the battlefield, fighters are a disparate lot, training with many weapons or just one, perfecting the uses of armor, learning the fighting techniques of exotic masters, and studying the art of combat, all to shape themselves into living weapons.

“The faces of many orcs have been broken by my mace.”
Runger Gorehammer – Dwarven Fighter


Weapon and Armor Proficiency

Fighters are proficient with all simple weapons and martial weapons that are light or medium sized. Fighters are proficient with plate

Basic Equipment
Every fighter has at least one of these types of items.
Backpack, chain-mail, long-sword, battle dagger, a week of way food, letter or marque, long-bow or short bow, club, 150 gold pieces.

Rally Action
Threatening Dash

The Fighter as a will action dashes across the battlefield up to his AGL bonus plus his normal step. On a successful attack, against the target’s DAC, the target makes attacks with inaccuracy until the target can make a breaker roll of (10) at the end of his turn. Targets take 1[WD]+POW Bonus.

Power Action
Enfeebling Strike

At 2nd level a Fighter, as an encounter standard action, can use his or her weapon to smash into an opponent’s weak-side. The target take 1(WD) plus POW bonus. The target is considered weakened for one round, and attacks at -1 for his action. If he has already used up his action, he started of the next round with a -1

Leaping Slash
The fighter as an encounter action can leap up over a target up to his move, and execute a slashing attack. He gains accuracy while he attacks, but gives the opponent an attack of opportunity. At 10th level the fighter has perfected his leap and no longer gives his enemy an attack of opportunity. The strike does 2[WD]+POW bonus.

Ability Action
Second Wind
A fighter at first level as an encounter action upon taking damage in combat can withdraw, and use this distinctive feature to heal himself.
The fighter heals for 1d6+1 ever even level. At 12th, and 16th level, you add and additional 1d6.

Greater battering
At 2nd level when choosing to bat clean up, the fighter also gains a +2 to damage.

Buff Action

At 1s level A fighter gains additional feats at first level and every three levels thereafter.

Weapon Expertise
At 3rd level A fighter can choose a weapon in which he become and expert with. He gains a +2 pow bonus to damage rolls when wielding that type of weapon.

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